Aimi Otori (鳳 あいみ, Otori Aimi) is one of the main protagonists of Puyo Puyo 7, as well as a main protagonist across various Puyo Puyo media. She is an average junior high school girl in practically all ways, something she herself is rather well aware of. One day, when her school is suddenly flooded to the brim witb Puyos, and an unexplained mysterious presence appears, Aimi is suddenly thrust into many things she doesn't understand nor can comprehend. Much like Ringo, Aimi is a rather down to earth character, constantly questioning her surroundings in great detail and reacting in shock or fear when unexplainable things happen to her. Because she is so average, she doesn't look at situations logically and oftentimes her emotions get the better of her.
In all of her appearances, Aimi is a young girl of average height with hot pink eyes and wavy, pinkish-brown hair that reaches her shoulders, tied in a half-up, half-down style with twintails. She also always has a braid at the right side of her bangs, held by a white ribbon with a yellow Puyo hairpin. Between games her outfits often change. Her first appearance has her in a somewhat modified version of the Suzuran Junior High uniform, where she sports a pink tie, as well as thigh high socks and white mary janes with yellow buckles. Her most common attire as of Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, consists of a white button-up shirt, with the bottom part being unbuttoned and sticking out from under her dark pink cardigan, with white buttons and white accents. She also wears a pink tie, red and white skirt, and dark gray thigh high socks (same as her uniform in 7). Aimi wears heeled hot pink high tops/boots with white soles and a white bow at the front.
Aimi is above all else, an average girl. She's well aware of her lack of quirks, but it doesn’t faze her too much. She panics when thrown into unimaginable, unexplainable situations, and overreacts even to the smallest of things. Although she can sometimes be curious about the more eccentric ideas that come with the Puyo Puyo series, most of the time she is confused and panicking about the weirdness she always gets thrust into. Ever since Puyo Puyo 7, it seems like trouble is almost always following Aimi whether she asks for it or not, and it usually leads her to even more unlogical situations. Unlike Ringo, she isn't really the logical type, however despite this Aimi is very down to earth and is often questioning almost everything going on around her. She has a calm and cheerful demeanor, that despite her panicky nature, keeps her optimistic. She's rather shy in front of new people especially and is awful with crowds, often fainting from exhaustion. Aimi can be quite clumsy a lot of the time, tripping over thin air, coming back from a simple walk with a scraped knee, and other absurd injuries one wouldn't expect in simple situations.
Aimi gets scared absurdly easy, even the smallest tap on her shoulder can make her freak out and go into a panic. She enjoys simple, calm and quiet situations most of all and revels in peaceful days. She may sometimes point out that peacefulness is kinda boring, but regardless she's fine with it and prefers it above all else. Her otherwise average persona makes her quite unique among the eccentric Puyo cast, often leading her to question others without much of a thought. She overthinks about many things, but has a bad habit of saying whatever comes to mind which can render her as quite a blunt person.
Aimi is kind to practically everyone she sees, no matter how panicky she gets over things not being the same as always. She seems to always speak in an overly-polite fashion and uses honorifics constantly unless told to stop. She's not the moat stubborn person and is quite easy to take advantage of. She's an insane pushover, unable to say no to anything or anyone, which often gets her into big trouble. She believes that things are at their best when everyone is happy and smiling, and so she tries her hardest to ensure that no matter how much she falls into the background. She has a rather soft and fluffy atmosphere around her and loves to help others, even if she gets nothing in return.
Aimi seems to harbor a love for singing, often singing improvised songs to herself in peaceful moments, or to calm herself down after a particularly stressful moment. Despite this habit of hers, she's extremely shy and embarrassed about singing in front of crowds and will run away whenever asked. However, many characters who overhear point out that she is quite the good singer, much to her embarassment. She seems to have a bit of stage fright, but expresses that someday she wants to be able to sing for others without being embarassed about it. Aimi is awful at dealing with praise and compliments and often brushes them off like they're nothing. Her confidence is rather average if anything, she's neither arrogant or self-deprecating. Aimi likes to live at her own pace and do things as they go.
As she is by all more eccentric Puyo characters, Aimi is rather freaked out by Amitie and her use of magic at first. However, she warms up to her quickly due to her infectious positivity, which she admires and finds rather endearing, and the two grow quite close as time goes on. Aimi sees her as a good friend, even though she struggles to keep up with her more zany antics. Regardless, Aimi respects and admires her, supporting her dream of becoming a fantastic sorceress one day despite her not understanding it. Aimi hopes that Amitie can help her understand Puyo Puyo a bit more.
Amy Rose[]
Arle Nadja[]
There's a lot about Arle that Aimi doesn't understand and can be freaked out by, but the two quickly become friends. Aimi is rather curious about how she can travel through spacetime, but is also rather confused by the thought of such, as since she is an average girl she can't even begin to wrap her head around the concept. Regardless, Aimi thinks of her and Arle as good friends and hopes Arle feels the same. She admires her skills at Puyo and how easily she can befriend people. She hopes that Arle will teach her the ropes of Puyo Puyo.
Blaze the Cat[]
At first, Carbuncle 100%, perfectly, absolutely, totally weirded Aimi out. As time went on, Aimi has begun to see Carbuncle as a friend and even finds it quite cute. Though not used to it and Arle's antics, Aimi seems to like Carbuncle quite a bit.
Dark Prince[]
Draco Centauros[]
The mere prescence of a half-dragon is enough to freak Aimi out, much to Draco's confusion. Regardless, Aimi holds no disliking towards Draco of all despite being confused by her many quirks. She hopes they can somehow be friends as Draco can know how to take on Poison Ringo since Draco is a brave half-dragon girl.
Aimi is absolutely, perfectly, 100%, completely, purely freaked out by Ecolo. She's a very normal girl, after all. Interdimesional beings and circumstances beyond her imagination freak Aimi out beyond belief and Ecolo is no exception. Even Ringo, who seems to dislike Ecolo, doesn't quite get why Aimi's so scared of them. She doesn't mind Puyo battling with Ecolo, but after that she will quickly run away to recollect herself.
Aimi doesn't understand a thing about Ex, his role as Keeper of Dimensions, or anything relating to the SS Tetra. Thus, Aimi is a bit confused and freaked out by Ex, as she always is by things she just can't possibly wrap her head around. She sometimes calls him "Mr. Fancy Suspenders", similarly to Ringo, however she does so rather rarely. Though, she doesn't dislike him and grows to be less freaked out as she gets more used to the merged worlds situation, but she's still rather confused by his entire existence. Oddly, she still seems to be a bit freaked out by Ex considering how much she keeps her distance from him.
Aimi is rather freaked out by Feli and does find her and her infatuation with Lemres to be on the rather creepy end. Despite this, she doesn't mind her as a person, although she's wildly confused by her many quirks and use of divination. However, in some cases they're allies.
Knuckles the Echidna[]
Maguro Sasaki[]
Aimi may not know him as well as Ringo does, but for her, a friend of Ringo is a friend of hers. They're not super close but they get along just fine. The 2019 version of Aimi had a crush on Maguro, and wanted to impress him by becoming good at Puyo. Ever since that old character became Aimi, this aspect of her character was scrapped.
Miles "Tails" Prower[]
Ms. Accord[]
Poison Ringo[]
Aimi is freaked out by Poison Ringo and definitely isn't used to evil doppelgangers who look just like her best friend, Ringo. Not only that, but she's dressed like a witch teaming up with Ecolo, which Aimi is freaked out and confused by, since Aimi is a normal girl after all. As time goes on she grows dislike towards Poison Ringo for doing bad things while having the appearance of her best friend.
Ringo Ando[]
Aimi considers her to be her best friend. They seem to get along rather well despite Aimi's lack of quirks, and they both act as the "straight man" in comparison to the weirdness of the other characters. Aimi can often find herself confused by some of Ringo's antics, but sticks by her nonetheless. She seems to be envious at how fast Ringo learns things. As Ringo got used to Puyo Puyo rather quickly, Aimi hopes she can teach her, even just a little bit. The two share quite a few similarities and thus they get along well.
Despite Risukuma being quite the oddity, Aimi isn't that freaked out by him. At least, not anymore. As of recently, although confused by his eccentricities and experiments, and often freaking out when they don't go well, Aimi sees him as a respectable upperclassman regardless. Like with Maguro, any friend of Ringo's is a friend of hers.
Schezo Wegey[]
Aimi isn't quite sure how to feel about Schezo. On one hand, it's not like he's that weird, but his wording mix-ups can often render Aimi rather confused. She's not used to magic at all, especially the dark magic kind so she's a bit on the fence about it, but overall Aimi thinks that Schezo is on the weirder end, but can have his moments. Sometimes, she can be rather freaked out by his odd sense of words.
Shadow the Hedgehog[]
Silver the Hedgehog[]
Sonic the Hedgehog[]
Aimi was freaked out by Sonic as he has the ability to run faster than the speed of sound. Sonic can also roll up into a concussive ball, primarily to attack enemies. She's starting to get used to Sonic and begins to like him as a friend.
Yu & Rei[]
Just like Ringo, or even more so, Aimi is wildly scared of them, running away in almost mere seconds the instant Yu & Rei appear. She's bad with horror or scary stuff in general, but seeing real, actual ghosts not only confuses her but terrifies Aimi beyond belief. She's even more terrified of them because of the fact that she can't understand them at all, due to being a completely normal girl.
(Rest are TBA. I'll add more soon!)
Puyo Puyo 7[]
Aimi is one of the central protagonists of this game. Living peacefully in Suzuran, the normal girl is suddenly thrust into a thousand abnormal situations when Puyos start raining down in her town. Panicking extensively about the events she was suddenly thrown into, she learns more about what's going on as her story progresses.
Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary[]
Puyo Puyo Tetris[]
Puyo Puyo Chronicle[]
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2[]
Puyo Puyo!!! 30th Anniversary[]
Aimi's Story[]
Aimi's story involves her trying to get over her fear of crowds and stage fright while struggling to adjust to the wackiness of the Puyo world. She's thrust into various situations reluctantly that leave the poor girl panicking at every turn. Aimi's goal is to try and get more used to singing in front of others, but she often ends up doing so unknowingly. (TBA)
(Rest are TBA, I'll add more soon!)
- Aimi was originally a lot different when she was first created back in around 2019.
- She had a completely different name, sported pink hair in twintails, had a crush on Maguro and wasn't much of a protagonist at all.
- One of her beta designs gave her a similar pink hair color. This was eventually scrapped.
- Her AI in most games usually always drops a yellow Puyo first.
- Her yellow Puyo hairclip seems to change emotions according to her own, similarly to Ringo's green Puyo hairclip, or Amitie's red Puyo hat.
- Her spells are Italian music terms, probably referring to her interest in singing. She also sings a version of Puyo Puyo no Uta for a special version of Puyo Puyo 7.
- Alternate voice notes:
- In Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, she speaks with a soft, quiet tone, sounding almost sleepy.
- In Puyo Puyo Tetris, she speaks in a somewhat sing-song manner, outright singing some of her lines.
- In the English version, she speaks with a passionate, loud tone.
- In Puyo Puyo Chronicle, she speaks with a deeper voice, sounding more serious.
- In Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 her voice is slightly higher pitched, and she sounds more cheerful. She also imitate's Ringo's lines.
- In the English version, she sounds a bit cocky, and she also imitates Ringo's lines.
Puyo Puyo[]
- Puyo Puyo 7 (Debut)
- Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary
- Puyo Puyo!! Quest
- Puyo Puyo Tetris
- Puyo Puyo Chronicle
- Puyo Puyo eSports/Champions
- Puyo Puyo Tetris 2
- Puyo Puyo!!! 30th Anniversary
(Will add rest later)
Character Profiles[]
Game | Description |
Puyo Puyo Tetris Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 |
"A student at Suzuran Junior High. Average through and through, she panics easily when thrust into situations beyond her imagination! Though, trouble just can't leave her behind..." |
Puyo Puyo Champions | "A middle school girl who is quite normal. Down to earth, but panics when faced with unimaginable situations. It seems like singing is one of her favorite pasttimes, despite her embarassment when heard. Her puzzle skills are growing day by day!" |
Puyo Puyo!!! 30th Anniversary | "A young girl who's quite on the average side. Even though she panics easily in unfamiliar situations, she's warm and kind to whoever she meets! However, it seems like trouble just can't get enough of her..." |
Due to the large number of chants for Aimi Otori, the full list is moved to a separate page. See: Aimi Otori/Chants.
Due to the large number of images of Aimi Otori, the full list is moved to a separate page. See: Aimi Otori/Image Gallery.