Puyo Fanon Wiki

Arle Nadja is a character in the Puyo Puyo series, and also the pen name of User:ArleChan-Silvana16.

Arle's birthday is July 22nd which is also James Arnold Taylor and the late Alex Trebek's birthday.

She is seen overall as the protagonist of the Puyo Puyo series itself.


Both her hair and eyes were brown, Her hair is constantly tied together with a blue band to form a ponytail.


Her outfit is a blue skirt, blue boots, a T-shirt, blue wristbands, and a blue breastplate. These pieces of accessories and clothing would receive minor changes in later games, for example adding a white stripe to her wristbands and boots starting with Puyo Puyo Fever, and her breastplate covering her whole chest starting with Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary.


Her hair is now orange and has golden brown eyes.

She sports a heavier emphasis on armoring with bulkier shoulder padding and a breastplate that covers her chest and neck. Her blue band in her hair is replaced with what appears to be a type of tiara, however she still sports a ponytail. Puyo Puyo~n would start a trend of Arle wearing a type of cape, in this game a red cape that reaches to her legs. Later games would revive the characteristic of Arle wearing capes starting with Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, where she wears a blue cape with a white rim. Her boots would gain a golden band with blue socks, and her wristband changed to a type of fingerless glove that covers the top of her hand similar to a gauntlet.

In summertime in Puyo Puyo: Blast Attack, she wears a blue bikini as her swimwear.

Arle's sleepwear is a blue belly shirt and light blue underwear.

In the Puyo Puyo movies from Paramount Pictures; Arle wears the same outfit from Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, but wears a hooded cape.

As a Power Ranger, she wears the Blue S.P.D. Ranger outfit.


In Puyo Puyo DA!, she receives a dramatic makeover. Her normal attire being replaced with a red and black hoodie with a long-sleeve shirt underneath, a grey beanie, black sweatpants with a chain, and a pair of red, grey, and white colored sneakers, overall giving her an appearance that invokes hip-hop or rap. Her ponytail is also missing.

For her Fire Protection combat fatigue; her boots turned purple with magenta flaming texture and her hair turned purple with magenta flaming texture. her cape, skirt, and wristbands turned purple while her breastplate and shoulder pads turned magenta.


Aimi Otori[]


She and Ally make a "Blooming with Love" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Ally uses "Love's Light" for Spell 5.

Arle's Mother[]



From Puyo Puyo Fever 2 onwards, Amitie and Arle are friends who frequently hang out with each other and play Puyo together. They trust each other and rely on one another when the situation calls for it, though Arle sometimes struggles to follow Amitie's zany behavior.

She and Amitie joins the spy agency to become Power Rangers as Arle becomes the Blue Ranger and Amitie becomes the Yellow Ranger from Power Rangers S.P.D.

She and Amitie make a "Double Bloom Attack" if Arle and Amitie each uses "Bayoen" for Spell 5.

Amy Rose[]

She thinks of Amy Rose is a pink hedgehog who wields her hammer and Arle likes her a friend as they likely team up together much as she does with Sonic the Hedgehog.


She and Alex make a "Sunshine Flowers" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Alex uses "Let there be Light" for Spell 5.

Alex Trebek[]

Arle shares the same birthday of July 22 as Alex Trebek.

Arataki Itto[]

Arnold Sullivan[]








Out of every character, the strongest relationship Arle has is with Carbuncle. Ever since Arle met Carbuncle in Madou Monogatari, they have been the best of friends, and when he isn't off on his own adventure, he is with Arle. Despite Carbuncle going off on his own in Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary, Arle states that she'd be devastated if Carbuncle ever went away. In Puyo Puyo! 20th Anniversary, Arle's story begins with her happily exclaiming that she finally gets to take a relaxing walk with Carbuncle. She also says that when she's with Carbuncle, everything is fun.











Dark Prince[]

David Burnside[]





Dr. Eggman[]

Whenever she comes across Dr. Eggman who is the main antagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, she says that he reminds him of the Dark Prince and as Arle will do her best to try to defeat Dr. Eggman.

Draco Centauros[]

Draco Centauros is another of Arle's rivals, though this is mostly for competitive reasons such as beauty contests. Arle expects to be challenged in a beauty contest by Draco so much that she sarcastically shows concern when she was denied a beauty contest in Minna de Puyo Puyo and switches roles with Draco by being vain in Puyo Puyo Tsu.

However, they decided to put aside their differences and start working together in the spy agency to become the Power Rangers as as Arle becomes the Blue Ranger and Draco becomes the Omega Ranger from Power Rangers S.P.D.

She and Draco make a "Flaming Fire" if Arle uses "Fireball" and Draco uses "Fire breath" for Spell 1.

She and Draco make a "Dragon tail of Ice" if Arle uses "Ice Storm" and Draco uses "Dragon Tail" for Spell 2.

She and Draco make a "Claw of Minds" if Arle uses "Mind Blast" and Draco uses "Dragon Claw" for Spell 3.

She and Draco make a "Flaming Heavens" if Arle uses "Judgement" and Draco uses "Hear me roar" for Spell 4.

She and Draco make a "Blazing Flowers Blaster" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Draco uses "Inferno" for Spell 5.


Arle was possessed by Ecolo during the events of Puyo Puyo 7. She seems to find him troublesome and annoying, similar to how she sees the Dark Prince.


She and Emilia make a "Meta Blooming Frenzy" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Emilia uses "Flower Power Blast" for Spell 5.




She and Ex make a "Flaming Speed" if Arle uses "Fireball" and Ex uses "Speed Up" for Spell 1.

She and Ex make a "Rushing Frozen Storm" if Arle uses "Ice Storm" and Ex uses "Feel the rush" for Spell 2.

She and Ex make a "Hard Mind Drop Attack" if Arle uses "Mind Blast" and Ex uses "Hard Drop" for Spell 3.

She and Ex make a "Hyper Drop Judgmental" if Arle uses "Judgement" and Ex uses "Hyper Hard Drop" for Spell 4.

She and Ex make a "Flowers of Revolution" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Ex uses "Revolution" for Spell 5.



She and Feli make a "Fiery Horary" if Arle uses "Fireball" and Feli uses "Horary" for Spell 1.

She and Feli make a "Frosting Zodiacs" if Arle uses "Ice Storm" and Feli uses "Zodiac" for Spell 2.

She and Feli make a "Conjunctional Minds" if Arle uses "Mind Blast" and Feli uses "Conjunction" for Spell 3.

She and Feli make a "Judgmental Significances" if Arle uses "Judgement" and Feli uses "Significator" for Spell 4.

She and Feli make a "Stars and Flowers Blast" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Feli uses "Principal Star" for Spell 5.









Hu Tao[]

James Bond[]

Arle thinks of James Bond as a secret agent working for MI6 in the United Kingdom as agent 007. She first met him in Special Agent Style at Heathrow Airport in London.

She and James Bond make a "Super Agency of Flowers" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and James Bond uses "Spy Bond Frenzy" for Spell 5.


Jyoti Arnold[]



Kaedehara Kazuha[]


Kamisato Ayaka[]

Kamisato Ayato[]






She and Klee make a "Blooming Sparks Frenzy" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Klee uses "Sparks 'n' Splash" for Spell 5.


Arle Nadja and Klug share a warm and supportive friendship that is rooted in their shared experiences and interests in magic. As a girl with magical powers, Arle often finds herself using her abilities to help those around her, and Klug, a denizen of Primp Town who attends the same magic school, is one of her closest allies in this journey.

Their friendship is characterized by a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. Klug admires Arle's magical talent and resourcefulness, while Arle appreciates Klug's intelligence and dedication to his studies. They often collaborate on projects and challenges at the Primp Town Magic School, learning from each other and growing as magic users.

In addition to their academic pursuits, Arle and Klug enjoy spending time together outside of school, whether it's exploring the vibrant world of Puyo Puyo, engaging in friendly competitions, or simply hanging out with their other friends from Primp Town. Their bond is strengthened by their playful banter and shared adventures, making them a beloved duo among their peers.

Overall, Arle and Klug's friendship is a blend of encouragement, fun, and shared dreams bringing their unique strengths to the table, making them not only friends but also true partners in magic and adventure. However, she can also think of Klug as one of the allies of the Power Rangers whenever Arle morphs into the Blue Ranger from Power Rangers S.P.D. She says "Now Klug and I have intersected."

She and Klug make a "Flaming Craters" if Arle uses "Fireball" and Klug uses "Crater" for Spell 1.

She and Klug make a "Frosting Tectonics" if Arle uses "Ice Storm" and Klug uses "Tectonics" for Spell 2.

She and Klug make a "Starlight Minds Attack" if Arle uses "Mind Blast" and Klug uses "Starlight" for Spell 3.

She and Klug make an "Ursa Judgement Attack" if Arle uses "Judgement" and Klug uses "Ursa Major" for Spell 4.

She and Klug make a "Blooming Gravity Attack" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Klug uses "Gravity Strike" for Spell 5.

Knuckles the Echidna[]


Kujou Sara[]

Kuki Shinobu[]

Lan Yan[]



She and Legamünt make a "Flaming Gram" if Arle uses "Fireball" and Legamünt uses "Gram" for Spell 1.

She and Legamünt make a "Cruaidin of Perspicacities" if Arle uses "Judgement" and Legamünt uses "Cruaidin" for Spell 4.

She and Legamünt make a "Gold Lævateinn Blooms" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Legamümt uses "Lævateinn" for Spell 5.




She and Lumine make a "Super Blooming Gust" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Lumine uses "Gust Surge" for Spell 5.




She and Mars make a "Super Fireball Frenzy" if Arle and Mars uses "Fireball" for Spell 1.



Miles "Tails" Prower[]


Ms. Accord[]

Arle believes that Ms. Accord is great teacher at Primp Town Magic School. She also remembers that she meets her own teacher in Kindergarten. However, she can also think of Ms. Accord as one of the allies of the Power Rangers whenever Arle morphs into the Blue Ranger from Power Rangers S.P.D. before Ms. Accord became a Power Ranger as Ms. Accord became the Pink Ranger from Power Rangers in Space.

She and Ms. Accord make a "Flaming Classe" if Arle uses "Fireball" and Ms. Accord uses "Classe" for Spell 1.

She and Ms. Accord make a "Solfège of Freezing" if Arle uses "Ice Storm" and Ms. Accord uses "Solfège" for Spell 2.

She and Ms. Accord make a "Craie Mind of Studies" if Arle uses "Mind Blast" and Ms. Accord uses "Craie Lance" for Spell 3.

She and Ms. Accord make a "Lance of Judgement" if Arle uses "Judgement" and Ms. Accord uses "Popoi Lance" for Spell 4.

She and Ms. Accord make "The Studies of Blooms" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Ms. Accord uses "Fin d'Études" for Spell 5.










Poison Ringo[]

Arle thinks of Poison Ringo as a villainous version of Ringo who is dressed like a witch knowing how much Poison Ringo can likely team up with Possessed Klug, Ecolo, and the Dark Prince. She will likely use the spells Mind Blast, Judgement, and Bayoen on her.

Possessed Klug[]

Arle thinks of Possessed Klug as a villainous version of Klug who he reminds her of the Dark Prince he can likely team up with Poison Ringo as well as the Dark Prince. She will likely use the spells Mind Blast, Judgement, and Bayoen on him.





Raiden Shogun[]


Richard Keating[]

Arle meets driver Richard Keating who is driving the 2017 BMW 750i in the city of London after arriving in London at Heathrow Airport in the episode Special Agent Style.

Ringo Ando[]

Arle and Ringo first meet in Puyo Puyo 7 where Arle explains how Ringo has the power to pop Puyo because she was affected by the otherworldly light before being possessed by Ecolo. Ringo seems to envy Arle's adventurous lifestyle and wishes to go on adventures as she does.

She and Ringo joins the spy agency to become Power Rangers as Arle becomes the Blue Ranger and Ringo becomes the Red Ranger from Power Rangers S.P.D.

She and Ringo make a "Blooming Equations" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Ringo uses "Calculus" for Spell 5.





Rulue considers herself to be Arle's rival in gaining the Dark Prince's affection. In spite of this rivalry, she accompanies Arle to her magic school so she may learn how to use magic in Madou Monogatari III. Generally speaking, while Rulue sees Arle as a rival, while Arle doesn't reciprocate the rivalry and sees her more as a friend. They are at least reasonable enough to rarely team up together for a similar goal. Arle worried about Rulue's well-being after being told she and Schezo were in danger in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2.

She and Rulue make a "Blazing Stone Punch" if Arle uses "Fireball" and Rulue uses "Rock Punch" for Spell 1.

She and Rulue make a "Frosty Wind Kick" if Arle uses "Ice Storm" and Rulue uses "Wind Kick" for Spell 2.

She and Rulue make a "Mindful Fists" if Arle uses "Mind Blast" and Rulue uses "Iron Fist" for Spell 3.

She and Rulue make a "Judgement Knee Attack" if Arle uses "Judgement" and Rulue uses "Exploding Knee" for Spell 4.

She and Rulue make a "Queens of Flowers" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Rulue uses "Fighting Queen" for Spell 5.

Sangonomiya Kokomi[]

Sarah Ellingson[]


Schezo Wegey[]

She and Schezo make a "Lightning Blooms" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Schezo uses "Shockwave" for Spell 5.




Shadow the Hedgehog[]


Shikanoin Heizou[]


Silver the Hedgehog[]

Sonic the Hedgehog[]

Arle thinks of Sonic the Hedgehog as an ally and is friendly as he can rely on his speed and abilities while she can rely on her magical powers as well as being a Power Ranger.

She and Sonic make a "Flaming Spin Brawl" if Arle uses "Fireball" and Sonic uses "Spin Attack" for Spell 1.

She and Sonic make a "Homing Ice Spears" if Arle uses "Ice Storm" and Sonic uses "Homing Attack" for Spell 2.

She and Sonic make a "Mind Boost" if Arle uses "Mind Blast" and Sonic uses "Boost" for Spell 3.

She and Sonic make a "Heavenly Tornado" if Arle uses "Judgement" and Sonic uses "Blue Tornado" for Spell 4.

She and Sonic make a "Super Form Frenzy" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Sonic uses "Limit Break" for Spell 5.



Tom Adler[]

Tom and Maddie Wachowski[]


Wade Whipple[]




Similarly, Witch is a competitive rival over having the strongest magic, occasionally going so far as to try and land a cheap shot while Arle is distracted. In Puyo Puyo SUN she is seen assaulting Arle while in her sleep, proclaiming "I love you" and implications of molestation. However due to the ambiguous nature of the cutscene, it's unknown if Witch genuinely loves Arle or if she's was thinking of someone else, (in the Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary/Trivia, it is said that "Witch has a crush with a prince, and often dreams that she dances with him").

She and Witch make a "Flaming Meteor Rain" if Arle uses "Fireball" and Witch uses "Meteor Shower" for Spell 1.

She and Witch make a "Frozen Moonbeam" if Arle uses "Ice Storm" and Witch uses "Moonbeam" for Spell 2.

She and Witch make a "Gravity of Minds" if Arle uses "Mind Blast" and Witch uses "Gravity Slam" for Spell 3.

She and Witch make a "Star Bang of Judgement" if Arle uses "Judgement" and Witch uses "Star Blast" for Spell 4.

She and Witch make a "Blooming Big Bang" if Arle uses "Bayoen" and Witch uses "Supernova!" for Spell 5.









Yae Miko[]





Yun Jin[]





  • She shares the same birthday of July 22 with voice actor, writer, producer, podcast host and impressionist James Arnold Taylor and the late Alex Trebek.
  • Arle is named after Arles, a city in France, via the music "The Girl from Arles" by Georges Bizet.
    • Her surname, Nadja, is named after the titular femme fatale from the novel "Nadja" by André Breton.
  • Arle is the first and one of the few characters with an asymmetrical design (though it's her clothing rather than a physical feature). She is also one of the only asymmetrical characters not to have a second set of art.
  • Arle's theme is 時空を超えて久しぶり! (Jikū o koete hisashiburi! lit. Long Time No See Across Time and Space!)
    • Originally, this song was the stages 1-8 theme of Puyo Puyo (1992).
  • Arle's ★5 form is redrawn at Version 3.0.0 of Quest, along with Ringo's ★5 form.
  • Her signature spell, Bayoen, is based on a specific performance of the song "Boyoyon Rock" by the comedian Hikaru Ijuuin.
  • One of Arle's spells, Ru-i-pa-n-ko (るいぱんこ), is the reverse spelling of Japanese kana, Ko-n-pa-i-ru (コンパイル, Compile).
  • Amitie shares many traits with Arle; namely, she is a primary protagonist and uses similar (or, in the case of Bayoeen, outright identical) spells.
  • In SEGA's Puyo Puyo games, Arle's chants have a unique quality in that her repeater, Diacute, will cause the chant for whichever spell follows its conclusion to have a stuttering effect. This reference's Diacute's function in Madou Monogatari, where the spell following its use will have the same stuttering effect to emphasize its increased power.
  • Alternate Voice notes:
    • In Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, her voice becomes lower-pitched, and more reminiscent of Doppelganger Arle.
    • In Puyo Puyo Tetris, she is whispering. Many lines of dialogue are also changed.
      • In the English version, she speaks with a bit of a more serious tone.
    • In Puyo Puyo Chronicle, The end of the sentence is raised and there is more emphasis on the pronunciations. She has an atmosphere with heart mark attached to the end. Like Puyo Puyo Tetris, there are many changes to her dialogue.
    • Chronicle also features a special guest voice for her, which has the exact same dialogue as her regular voice. The same applies to Ally.
    • In Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, Arle sounds drowsy, akin to Rulue in Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, Raffina in the original Puyo Puyo Tetris, and Ecolo in Puyo Puyo Chronicle.
      • In the English version, she speaks with a more "villainous" tone, somewhat reminiscent of Dark Arle.
  • In the English version of Puyo Pop Fever, her name is pronounced "Are-lee". The English version of Puyo Puyo Tetris changed to "Are-ll" (as in "R"), which is similar pronunciation with Arles above, make sounds more accurate than "Are-lee". However, the Dark Prince exclusively uses "Are-lee" as the pronunciation of his pet name for her, "Arly" in the English version of Puyo Puyo Tetris.
  • As Fire, Bayoen and Diacute have all been called something else (Fireball, Cutie, Diamond Cutie), Ice Storm remains Arle's only spell to stay consistent between not only every game she appears in, but also between English and Japanese.
  • The intro of Madou Monogatari: ARS associates each of its three main characters with a type of flower. Arle's flower is the sunflower, which is featured prominently in the artwork for Madou Monogatari A: Doki Doki Vacation.


Puyo Puyo~N Kettaiban[]

Player Chain

Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
1 えいっ! Ei! Hah!
2 ファイヤー Faiyā Fire Fireball
3 アイスストーム Aisu Sutōmu Ice Storm
4 ダイアキュート Daiakyūto Diacute Diamond Cutie
5 ブレインダムド Bureindamudo Braindumbed Mind Blast
6 ジュゲム Jugemu Jugem Judgement
7 ばよえ~ん Bayoe~n Bayoen

Enemy Attack[]

(Usage: In Puyo Puyo SUN, the requirements for heavy damage are higher than in games starting with Yo~n: a full 30 sets of Garbage Puyo (5 rows) are needed. In all games afterwards, heavy damage starts at 3 rows of garbage. In all games, 1 rows of garbage is needed for light damage: anything less and no voice clip plays.)

Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light やったな〜! Yatta na! You got me~
Heavy うわぁぁぁ~! Uwaaa~! Ahhh~!

Match Beginning/Result[]

Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Match Start/Character Select (Sun) いっきまーす Ikkimāsu Here I Go! Here I Am!
Win/1P Win (Tsu/Box) やった! Yatta! I did it!
Lose/2P Win (Tsu/Box) ばたんきゅー Batankyū- Zonked... Oh no...

Special Attack[]

Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
るいぱんこ Ruipanko Ruipanko; from backward of "Compile (コンパイル Compairu)" Ruipanko

Puyo pop fever 64[]

Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 えいっ! Ei! Hah! Why yes!
Chain 2 たあっ! Taa! Tah! Go now!
Chain 3 いっくよー! Iku yo! Here I go! Go go!
Chain 4 そーれ! Sore! Here! Ready go go!
Repeater ダイアキュート Daiakyūto Diacute Diamond Cutie
Spell 1 ファイヤー Faiyā Fire Ball
Spell 2 アイスストーム Aisu Stōmu Ice Storm
Spell 3 ルアク・ウォイド Lwark Woid Smog lazer
Spell 4 ジュゲム Jugemu Jugem Judgement
Spell 5 ばよえ〜ん Bayoen Bayoen

Puyo Puyo Tetris 1 and 2/Blast Attack[]

  • Bayoen! (Spell 5)
  • Big victory! (Win)
  • Counter! (Counter)
  • Fire Ball! (Spell 1)
  • Go get em! (Offensive item)
  • Here I am! (Character select)
  • Ice Storm! (Spell 2)
  • I'm number one! (Party win)
  • Judgement! (Spell 4)
  • Mind Blast! (Spell 3)
  • Oh no... (Lose)
  • Perfect! (Success)
  • Tetris time! (Tetris)
  • This should be fun! (Online Greetings)
  • Yahoo! (Multiple items)

Character specific[]

  • Do you like my magical powers, Klug? (Win against Klug)

