Puyo Fanon Wiki

Dr. Eggman is the main antagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is an evil human scientist and the arch-nemesis of Sonic the Hedgehog. Boasting an IQ of 300, Eggman is a self-proclaimed evil scientist and a genuine genius megalomaniac who dreams of dominating the world with his Eggman Empire using his scientific expertise. For all his brilliance however, Sonic and his friends constantly find a way to foil his plans and keep him at bay.


Alex Trebek[]



Amy Rose[]

Eggman does not think too much about Amy Rose. In the rare occasions they interacted, the doctor merely found her to be an easy pawn in his plans, using her to manipulate Sonic to ensure her safety. This extended to the Eggman persona used by Neo Metal Sonic, that found Team Rose to be an eyesore and condescendingly treated them like children. By the time of the Starfall Islands incident, however, the villain would acknowledge her as a clever, tenacious girl that has grown from her earlier days as an easy victim. He nevertheless thought she had a potential incapable to reach if she kept following Sonic.

Arle Nadja[]

Blaze the Cat[]

Blaze the Cat has been another one of Eggman's enemies. The two first met right before the Sol Emerald incident, where the doctor went to the Sol Dimension to steal the Sol Emeralds from her. For the rest of that incident, Eggman would occasionally encounter Blaze on earth in Sonic's universe and battle her, only to lose in all of their fights and be forced to give up a Sol Emerald. They later interacted during the Jeweled Scepter incident, where they displayed a similar rivalry.

Dark Prince[]

He and the Dark Prince make a "Wrecking Disaster Attack" if Dr. Eggman uses "Egg Wrecker" and the Dark Prince uses "Disaster" for Spell 1.

He and the Dark Prince make an "Egg Yolks of Calamity" if Dr. Eggman uses "Volkan Cannon" and the Dark Prince uses "Calamity" for Spell 2.

He and the Dark Prince make a "Rockets of Devastation" if Dr. Eggman uses "Rocket Launcher" and the Dark Prince uses "Devastation" for Spell 3.

He and the Dark Prince make a "Big Cannon of Cataclysm" if Dr. Eggman uses "Fire the Huge Cannon" and the Dark Prince uses "Cataclysm" for Spell 4.

He and the Dark Prince make a "Missile Egg of Ascension" if Dr. Eggman uses "Ultimate Missile Eggs Attack" and the Dark Prince uses "Ascension" for Spell 5.

Draco Centauros[]

E-102 Gamma[]

E-102 Gamma was the second model of the E-100 Series robots built by Dr. Robotnik during the Chaos incident in order to aid him in the destruction of Station Square. From the start, it was obvious that the doctor held a lot of respect towards Gamma, and always praised him and treated him very well, especially when compared to the insults and abuse directed towards his enemies and the other E-100 Series robots. Nevertheless, it was implied that Gamma was being used by Robotnik as just another robot to serve his evil plans. Also, Robotnik did not know that Gamma betrayed him after the Egg Carrier fell into the ocean, and it was implied that he was not aware of the fact that the robot was responsible for the destruction of the other E-100 Series robots either. Due to this, he appeared to maintain his respect for Gamma following the Chaos incident, and has even built other robots in his image.


Whenever Dr. Eggman comes across Ecolo, he likely calls him a "black alien" because of how he looks with the question make on his forehead because he's not likely teaming up with him much like Amitie who doesn't like Ecolo one bit.

He and Ecolo make a "Wrecking Cheats" if Dr. Eggman uses "Egg Wrecker" and Ecolo uses "You cheater" for Spell 1.

He and Ecolo make a "Cannon of Liars" if Dr. Eggman uses "Volkan Cannon" and Ecolo uses "You liar" for Spell 2.

He and Ecolo make a "Fraud Rocket Attacks" if Dr. Eggman uses "Rocket Launcher" and Ecolo uses "What a fraud" for Spell 3.

He and Ecolo make a "Tricking Cannon Blowout" if Dr. Eggman uses "Fire the Huge Cannon" and Ecolo uses "You Trickster" for Spell 4.

He and Ecolo make an "Imitating Missiles Attack" if Dr. Eggman uses "Ultimate Missile Eggs Attack" and Ecolo uses "Just an imitation" for Spell 5.


He and Ex make a "Wrecking Speed" if Dr. Eggman uses "Egg Wrecker" and Ex uses "Speed Up" for Spell 1.

He and Ex make a "Cannon Rush Attack" if Dr. Eggman uses "Volkan Cannon" and Ex uses "Feel the rush" for Spell 2.

He and Ex make a "Hard Rocket Drop" if Dr. Eggman uses "Rocket Launcher" and Ex uses "Hard Drop" for Spell 3.

He and Ex make a "Hyper Drop Cannon" if Dr. Eggman uses "Fire the Huge Cannon" and Ex uses "Hyper Hard Drop" for Spell 4.

He and Ex make a "Super Revolution Missile Launch" if Dr. Eggman uses "Ultimate Missile Eggs Attack" and Ex uses "Revolution" for Spell 5.




Infinite was one of Eggman's minions. The two first met months before the War to Take Back the Planet, when Infinite and his squad raided the doctor's base. During this, the Phantom Ruby let Eggman see Infinite's ideal vision of the world. Impressed, Eggman offered Infinite a place in the Eggman Empire, which the latter agreed to. After Infinite lost to Shadow in a failed attempt at defending Eggman's facility, Eggman, mostly to have an "invincible weapon of destruction" to use against Sonic for his latest plans, proceeded to subject Infinite to a procedure that bonded him with the finalized Phantom Ruby prototype, with Infinite being all too willing to undergo the procedure to avoid being subject to being weak ever again.

Eggman seemed to respect Infinite's power and trusted him with taking care of Sonic's friends, although he did not agree with most of his actions, such as when he showed concern when Infinite let Sonic live knowing that Sonic would become a threat to his plans in the end.


Jet the Hawk[]

Knuckles the Echidna[]

Knuckles the Echidna is another one of Eggman's enemies, though this was different when they first met during the Angel Island incident. Here, the doctor, days after having had his Death Egg crash-landed on Angel Island, encountered the echidna at the Altar of Emerald in the Hidden Palace. When Knuckles attempted to attack Robotnik, the latter begged him for mercy and falsely told him that Sonic and Tails were after the Chaos Emeralds for evil purposes. Easily fooled by the doctor's lies, Knuckles formed a partnership with him to prevent the heroes from disrupting his operations. However, Robotnik eventually revealed his true intentions to Knuckles by stealing the Master Emerald. As Knuckles noticed he had been deceived, he befriended Sonic and Tails and helped them defeat the doctor.

Metal Sonic[]

Metal Sonic is one of Eggman's favorite inventions, whom he has described as his masterpiece that only his superior intellect could create. The doctor created Metal before the Little Planet incident with extreme accuracy to Sonic for the sole purpose of defeating his nemesis with speed and power surpassing the hedgehog's own. Even though the robot lost to Sonic during that incident, the doctor did not lose faith in him, and has since rebuilt him several times to accomplish his various agendas, even to the point of summoning the original back from Little Planet at the midst of the Death Egg MK. II incident. This is due to Metal Sonic's sophisticated and wasteful design, which Eggman is very proud of. In most of the incidents Metal Sonic was involved, he was just another one of Eggman's pawns and henchmen who obeyed his orders without question. In time, however, Eggman got betrayed by Metal Sonic during the Neo Metal Sonic incident, where the robot seized the Eggman Empire for himself to rule the world and destroy Sonic himself. It was heavily implied that Eggman regretted this outcome, as he proceeded to answer Team Chaotix's interrogation of who locked him up with a saddened tone. However, Eggman did not give up on Metal Sonic even after that, and so reprogrammed him into his obedient servant again when regaining possession of him. Although Metal Sonic still displays rebellious tendencies, it has not stopped Eggman from using him for different missions.

Miles "Tails" Prower[]

Miles "Tails" Prower is another one of Eggman's worst enemies. The two first met during the West Side Island incident, where the fox aided Sonic during his quest to defeat the doctor. However, they did not interact with each other a lot since then. This changed during the Chaos incident, where Tails managed to stop Dr. Robotnik from destroying all of Station Square on his own. Since then, they have had a few moments of interaction with each other.

Ms. Accord[]

Pat Sajak[]

Poison Ringo[]

He and Poison Ringo make an "Egg Deadly Clouds" if Dr. Eggman uses "Egg Wrecker" and Poison Ringo uses "Poison Cloud" for Spell 1.

He and Poison Ringo make a "Volkan Acid Projectile" if Dr. Eggman uses "Volkan Cannon" and Poison Ringo uses "Acid Rain" for Spell 2.

He and Poison Ringo make a "Toxic Rockets" if Dr. Eggman uses "Rocket Launcher" and Poison Ringo uses "Toxic Slimy Balls" for Spell 3.

He and Poison Ringo make a "Poison Cannon Splash" if Dr. Eggman uses "Fire the Huge Cannon" and Poison Ringo uses "Ultra Poison Splash" for Spell 4.

He and Poison Ringo make a "Poison Missile Frenzy" if Dr. Eggman uses "Ultimate Missile Eggs Attack" and Poison Ringo uses "Poison Apple Frenzy" for Spell 5.

Possessed Klug[]

Ringo Ando[]

Shadow the Hedgehog[]

Shadow the Hedgehog is another one of Eggman's enemies. Their relationship mainly comes from the fact that the black hedgehog was created by the doctor's own grandfather, Gerald Robotnik. The two first met during the Space Colony ARK incident, in which Eggman was after Shadow because he was stated as the "Ultimate Lifeform" which could help him conquer the world. As such, he raided G.U.N.'s military bunker on Prison Island and released Shadow from his capsule. At first, Eggman thought that Shadow was Sonic, but then he realized that the hedgehog merely looked like his rival. He also ordered Shadow to work for him, steal all seven Chaos Emeralds, and to keep Sonic out of the way so that he would not foil his plans. However, everyone was shocked when they realized that Shadow was created to kill everyone on earth, even Eggman himself.

Sonic the Hedgehog[]

Sonic the Hedgehog is Dr. Eggman's sworn arch-nemesis, and his eternal rival. The two met either during or before the South Island incident, with the hedgehog having crushed the doctor's plans for world conquest since then. Because of this, the one thing Eggman dislikes most is Sonic, having made it his sworn goal to destroy his nemesis with his scientific prowess. If their relationship can be described with a single word, it is hostile, but explaining it properly is surprisingly difficult. One thing is for sure, though: Sonic, who has crushed each and every one of Eggman's plans, is no longer the only thing the doctor has in mind for his plans of conquest. If he wants to conquer the world, he has concluded that he has to defeat Sonic first. However, while he does not want to go out of his way to find the hedgehog and duel him, Eggman seems to be somewhat enjoying himself while toying with Sonic when he shows up at a crucial moment in his plan.

Storm the Albatross[]

Tom and Maddie Wachowski[]


Vanna White[]

Wade Whipple[]

Wave the Swallow[]

Yu & Rei[]




  • Another victory for the doctor! (Win)
  • Do you really think you can beat me? (Character Select)
  • Egg Wrecker! (Spell 1)
  • Fire the Huge Cannon! (Spell 4)
  • How's that?! (Multiple items)
  • I'm not through with you yet, boy! (Topped out)
  • Let's blast away! (Success)
  • Oh no! (Failed)
  • Okay... You beat me fair and square. (Lose)
  • Rocket Launcher! (Spell 3)
  • Take this! (Offensive item)
  • Tetris! (Tetris)
  • This one's mine! (Powerup item)
  • Ultimate Missile Eggs Attack (Spell 5)
  • Volkan Cannon! (Spell 2)
  • What?! (Light attack)
  • Woah! That hurt! (Heavy attack)
  • You gotta do better than that! (Counter)

