- A Troublemaker Being Appears
- A Troublemaker Being Appears/Transcript
- Aaron Rodgers
- Abyss
- Accord
- Adelaide Speedway
- Adelaide Speedway/Transcript
- Adia
- Aegis
- Aether
- African Eremites
- African Eremites/Transcript
- Agathe
- Ahmar
- Ai
- AiAi
- Aimi Otori
- Aimi Otori/Chants
- Aimi Otori/Image Gallery
- Akane
- Akhdar
- Akiko Sasaki
- Alan
- Albedo
- Albert
- Albia
- Aldera
- Alex
- Alex Trebek
- Alexa Bliss
- Algar
- Ally
- Alrischa
- Alyssa
- Amanone
- Amaru
- Amber
- Amitie
- Amitie's Grandfather
- Amy Rose
- An
- Angela
- Annalina
- Annie
- Anthony Hoving
- Apostolos
- Applepaina
- Arataki Itto
- Arle's Father
- Arle's Mother
- Arle Nadja
- Arsil
- Asagao
- Asfar
- Ashley
- Ashley (WarioWare)
- Aswad
- Atari
- Atlantic Rally
- Atlantic Rally/Transcript
- Aya Kimochi
- Ayane Mizuki
- Ayn
- Azraq
- Azzawia
- Baby Arle goes to writing class
- Bacco
- Bahar
- Baizhu
- Barbara
- Barosso
- Bauer
- Beidou
- Beldam
- Bennett
- Berri
- Best Jewelry Valuables in Finland
- Best Jewelry Valuables in Finland/Transcript
- Bestoll
- Blaster Nijiiro
- Blaze the Cat
- Blob Blob
- Blue Boy and Grey Man
- Blue Boy and Grey Man/Transcript
- Blue and the Darkness of Blue
- Blue and the Darkness of Blue/Transcript
- Boston's Comics Special
- Boston's Comics Special/Transcript
- Bowling Mania
- Bowling Mania/Transcript
- Byakko
- Béatrice Arnoux
- Calier
- Candace
- Carbuncle
- Carol
- Caron
- Carrie
- Cats on the Run
- Cats on the Run/Transcript
- Charlotte
- Chelsea
- Cheo
- Chetta
- Chevreuse
- Chiffon
- Chiori
- Chiquita
- Choco Splash Fun
- Chocolana
- Chongyun
- Choppun
- Chris
- Ciel
- Cindy
- Cirno
- Cirno (Touhou Project)
- Cirno (disambiguation)
- Citlali
- Clifford
- Clorinde
- Collei
- Conatsu
- Coron
- Costa
- Crowlas
- Cryo Hockey Challenge
- Cryo Hockey Challenge/Transcript
- Cyno
- Daiyu
- Dalida
- Dark Amitie
- Dark Arle
- Dark Elf
- Dark Lord
- Dark Matter
- Dark Matter (Blob Blob)
- Dark Matter (Madou Monogatari)
- Dark Prince
- Dark Sig
- Darrell Scully
- David Burnside
- Deena
- Dehya
- Destropuyo
- Diluc
- Dimensional Feli
- Dimensional Sig
- Diona
- Dmitriy Nagiev
- Donald Trump
- Dongdae
- Doppelganger Arle
- Dori
- Dr. Eggman
- Dr. Emerau
- Draco Centauros
- Drana
- Ecolo
- Edeliss
- Edgar
- Eldur
- Elisa
- Eliza Kankitsurui
- Ellena Stevens
- Ellis
- Emilia
- Emilia (Ringo's Mother)
- Emilia (disambiguation)
- Emilie
- Emilion
- Emina
- Emmu
- Emmu/Chants
- Empusa
- Enishi
- Epiphany Price
- Eremite Axe Vanguard
- Eremite Desert Clearwater
- Eremite Training for the Grindcores
- Eremite Training for the Grindcores/Transcript
- Erin
- Esme Johnson
- Ess
- Ess/Ivlis
- Eula
- Ex
- Faith
- Fanne
- Faruzan
- Fei
- Feli
- Felix
- FeverWindShipping-Hime x Shigu
- Finlay
- Fischl
- Fjora
- Flick
- Floré
- Foehn
- Foo (disambiguation)
- Fred
- Friede
- Fruitina
- Furina
- Fwarl
- Galatea
- Gaming
- Ganyu
- Genbu
- Gene Simmons
- Gensan
- Ghost
- Ghost (Madou Monogatari)
- Gilbert
- Gina
- Ginka
- Giselle
- Gorgon
- Grace
- Great Pizza Rush Hour
- Great Pizza Rush Hour/Transcript
- Great Show at Las Vegas
- Great Show at Las Vegas/Transcript
- Greco
- Greta
- Grifo
- Gyura
- Hachi
- Halme
- Hanae Suzuki
- Hannah
- Harold A.K.A HaronAdo
- Harpy
- Hartmann
- Havilah
- Hed
- Helen
- Hikari Aikawa
- Hilda
- Hjorm
- Hover Gear Race
- Hover Gear Race/Transcript
- Hu Tao
- Hugo
- Hursh
- Incubus
- Inoha
- Invasion at the Casino
- Invasion at the Casino/Transcript
- Io
- Irene
- Isabella
- Issen
- James
- James Bond
- Jason Wu
- Jay & Elle
- Jean-Marc Gaumont
- Jean (Genshin Impact)
- Jenna Nixon
- Jennifer
- Jennifer's Mahjong Challenge
- Jennifer's Mahjong Challenge/Transcript
- Jin
- Johann
- John Walsh
- Jose
- Josefin
- Julia
- Kaede
- Kaedehara Kazuha
- Kaeya
- Kamisato Ayaka
- Kamisato Ayato
- Kanako Kanayama
- Karen
- Karen Manaka
- Kate
- Kateryna Braykovs'ka
- Katya
- Kaveh
- Kaye
- KekiChi
- Ken Jennings
- Keqing
- Keqing's Babysitting Challenge
- Keqing's Babysitting Challenge/Transcript
- Kerbey
- Khan
- King Dedede
- Kinzoku Natsume
- Kirara
- Kirby
- Kirin
- Kish
- Klee
- Klug
- Knuckles the Echidna
- Komaki
- Komone
- Kotone
- Krianna
- Kuki Shinobu
- Kuroe
- Kylocs
- Lamia
- Lan Yan
- Larisa Nekipelova
- Laun
- Layla
- Layla (Quest)
- Legamünt
- Lemres
- Lewis
- Lidelle
- Lilim
- Lillian
- Lingxin
- Liresil
- Lisa (Genshin Impact)
- Lisette
- Lispy
- List of Nazo Memories from Puyo puyo 10
- List of Quest Arcade-exclusive character birthdays not ported to Quest
- List of a Puyo Puyo! Puzzle Cartoon (TV series)
- Liz
- Lugo
- Lulisia
- Lumine
- Lunaful
- Lux
- Lynette
- Lyudmila Ilyina
- M (James Bond)
- Maguro Sasaki
- Maguro and the Fortune Wheel
- Mahoko
- Maia
- Malika
- Mao
- Mappela
- Marilyn
- Market Frenzy
- Market Frenzy/Transcript