Puyo Fanon Wiki

Miles "Tails" Prower is a fictional character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is an anthropomorphic fox born with two distinct twin-tails, hence his nickname.






Amy Rose[]

For the most part, Amy Rose and Tails have a friendly relationship with each other. They are usually together when they and Sonic are out saving the world, although Sonic uses Tails to distract Amy in order to escape from her or avoid contact during a mission. Tails usually responds to this with a lack of confidence as he too is not a fan of her anger.

Amy also at times will come to Tails' defense, like when Wave the Swallow insulted Tails, where Amy got angry at her words after she left. Tails has also saved Amy numerous times when Sonic could not. During the Chaos incident, when the Egg Carrier was losing altitude and about to crash, Sonic told Tails to act quickly and take Amy to safety. Tails also saved Amy a few more times from Dr. Eggman at the time of the Space Colony ARK incident, saving her along with Sonic from the exploding Prison Island, and also rescuing her when Eggman had her at gunpoint on the Space Colony ARK.

Arle Nadja[]








Dr. Eggman[]

Dr. Eggman is Tails' greatest enemy. The two first met during the West Side Island incident, where the fox, being in Sonic's side, fought against the doctor. However, they did not interact very often early on. This changed during the Chaos incident, where Tails had managed to stop Eggman from destroying Station Square and later defeating him during a battle in which the doctor piloted the Egg Walker. Throughout the Space Colony ARK incident, Tails had a rivalry with Eggman, fighting him on Prison Island, and later onboard the Space Colony ARK, after Eggman blasted Sonic into space. After this, they put their rivalry aside to prevent the ARK from destroying the earth, and the two were seen talking to each other in a somewhat civil manner following their success.

During the Lost Hex incident, Tails showed much more hostility towards Eggman than Sonic did, commenting about his lackeys' incompetence and resenting Sonic's decision to work with Eggman instead of trusting Tails. However, Tails would regain some respect for the doctor later on, as he began recognizing his mistakes. Despite this, though, when Eggman betrayed the fox and Sonic, they became enemies again.

During the War to Take Back the Planet, Tails retained some of the rivalry with Eggman. While Classic Sonic battled the doctor, the fox made some barbed comments regarding Eggman's qualities as a scientist, or failings within, such as claiming that the doctor's "underestimation" of his expectations meant that he actually failed. Similarly, when Eggman claimed that his recent incarnation of the Egg Dragoon only lost 10% of its current combat prowess thanks to Classic Sonic's actions, Tails claimed that the scientist was bluffing. After the Avatar undid Eggman's ultimate plan via a Phantom Ruby prototype, Tails told him that a good scientist always "checks and double-checks" their work.

For all their mutual hatred for each other, Tails does appear to respect Eggman's skills as an engineer. Being the aspiring mechanic and inventor he is, the fox has expressed admiration towards the doctor's Egg Carrier during the Chaos incident, wishing he could build a ship as cool as Eggman's flying fortress.

Draco Centauros[]

E-123 Omega[]

Currently, Tails is the only one of Sonic's close friends to have even spoken to E-123 Omega, with the others including Sonic only briefly coming into contact, either not knowing who he is or fighting the robot, like in Sonic Heroes.

Tails also attempted to repair Omega inside the City in Sonic Forces, although the damage Infinite inflicted on the robot was such that not even Tails was able to repair him, causing him to apologize to Omega's lifeless shell.




Hu Tao[]

James Bond[]







Knuckles the Echidna[]

Tails is close friends with Knuckles the Echidna. Although they do not seem to have much of a relationship early on, when they first met during the Angel Island incident, Tails and Knuckles were enemies, as Dr. Robotnik had tricked the echidna into believing Tails and Sonic were intruders seeking the Master Emerald for evil purposes, though they become friends later on when Knuckles discovers that Robotnik had lied to him. Tails interact more than Knuckles as does with Sonic, and while the two do not see each other as rivals, Tails does occasionally tend to irritate Knuckles with his technobabble, albeit this is not intentional. Likewise, Knuckles seems to enjoy teasing Tails from time to time, such as when he scared Tails with the idea that they fought with Shadow's ghost (believing that he was dead) just before entering Hang Castle during the Neo Metal Sonic incident. Despite this, Knuckles is one of Tails' best friends, and the two have teamed up on numerous occasions through the series.

Knuckles has shown that he cares for Tails, such as when he assured him that Dr. Eggman is nothing to worry about when they joined Sonic at the start of the Neo Metal Sonic incident, or when he furiously defended Tails after Wave mocked him during the first World Grand Prix.



Maguro Sasaki[]


Ms. Accord[]

He thinks that Ms. Accord is a teacher of Primp High School where she teaches her students some new spell subjects. However, he beings to like her as a friend.





Poison Ringo[]

Possessed Klug[]



Ringo Ando[]



Rouge the Bat[]



Silver the Hedgehog[]

Sonic the Hedgehog[]

Sonic the Hedgehog is Tails' best friend, as the two have been inseparable since they first met during the West Side Island incident. On West Side Island, while walking sad and depressed, Tails saw Sonic running at incredibly high speeds. He was impressed by the cool blue hedgehog and gained a strong admiration for him, eventually starting to follow him around, though he was still afraid of him. When he got closer to him however, the two quickly became close friends, with the fox even willing to go save Sonic from the exploding Death Egg at the end of the West Side Island incident and the second part of the Angel Island incident.

He and Sonic make a "Spinning Twists" if Tails uses "Tail Twist" and Sonic uses "Spin Attack" for Spell 1.

He and Sonic make a "Homing Tail Dash" if Tails uses "Twin Wind" and Sonic uses "Homing Attack" for Spell 2.

He and Sonic make a "Boosting Cannons" if Tails uses "Cannon Gadget" and Sonic uses "Boost" for Spell 3.

He and Sonic make a "Duo Whirlwind" if Tails uses "Tail Whirlwind" and Sonic uses "Blue Tornado" for Spell 4.

He and Sonic make a "Super Hedgehog Fox Combo" if Tails uses "Super Form Activated" and Sonic uses "Limit Break" for Spell 5.


Tom and Maddie Wachowski[]





Yu & Rei[]

Yun Jin[]




  • Back to center now! (Counter)
  • Board reset! (Topped out)
  • Cannon Gadget! (Spell 3)
  • Cluster Impact! (Heavy attack)
  • Good landing! (Win)
  • Handicap on! (Powerup item)
  • Multiple Firepower Online! (Multiple items)
  • Pattern not found. (Failed)
  • Power complete. (Success)
  • Ready to fly to the sky? (Character select)
  • Super Form Activated! (Spell 5)
  • Tail Twist! (Spell 1)
  • Tail Whirlwind! (Spell 4)
  • Tail Wind! (Spell 2)
  • Targeting Opponent! (Offensive item)
  • Tetris! (Tetris)
  • What a party blast! (Party win)
  • What an awful landing... (Lose)
  • Woah! (Light attack)

